New Year, New Changes!

by kindafunny



Each and every year, we celebrate Kinda Funny’s anniversary with an all day stream where we announce new shows, new initiatives, and hang out with you, the people who make this all possible.

Today’s that day — our third anniversary. (Kinda. Technically it’s Friday, but we wanted to celebrate today.) I don’t think it really hit me until I turned the key, opened the door, and walked into the office this morning. I saw the door to OUR office, the studio’s insane equipment setup, and the front room that houses Joey/Andy/Cool Greg/Andrea’s desks.

Three years ago at about this time Tim, Nick, Colin, and I were sitting around our kitchen table anxiously waiting to Tweet that we had left IGN and started our own thing. We had no idea what was in front of us, but we couldn’t wait to see.

Three years later, I don’t regret a moment. Kinda Funny is the best thing I’ve ever done and the most fun I’ve ever had working. Thank you for that.

2018 will be no different. We have a BUNCH of new stuff in the works and a bunch of new plans,  but the core is don’t fix what isn’t broken. At Kinda Funny Live 3, we found our rhythm and built on it throughout the year. Now, we want to keep that foundation and build upon it with the “quality over quantity” mantra. What’s that mean? Well…

  • The GameOverGreggy Show is going to be one video every Friday again. Don’t worry, the show — and every show except the Morning Show — will have timecodes. Why no more breakouts? Well, the topic-by-topic videos hampered discussion. There have been plenty of topics that could be their own show, but we have to move on so I’m not as engaged as I look for an out or someone cuts themselves short. Plus, the Morning Show is a daily piece of content on YouTube that competes with the daily GOG breakout, and we don’t want our babies fighting. One big video means it’ll be a more cohesive conversation between friends, and that’s where this all started.
  • The Kinda Funny Morning Show is officially Nick’s show. This shouldn’t come as a shock to viewers; a few months ago, Nick began hosting pretty much every episode and giving the show a loose structure. We like that, the folks watching seem to like that, and we want to keep that going. That’s the fun show where I can come in and scream about DCEU stuff, Nick can rant about something he saw on Netflix, and Cool Greg can slap or whatever he does.
  • MCU in Review is our next seasonal Kinda Funny show, and it launches Friday with a new episode every Tuesday. What is it? Well, if you watched the Marvel cinematic universe movies in order one a week, you’d finish them all right before Avengers: Infinity War. So, that’s what we’re doing. Each week, we’re watching the Marvel movies in order. Then, we’re sitting down to review each one. Every Tuesday at 9 a.m. PT, our latest review will post on and podcast services. Watch along with us!
  • The PlayStation VR Show is our FIRST seasonal show for Kinda Funny Games. I was jazzed about PSVR when it launched, but I put it on the backburner after awhile. Well, PSX 2017 reignited my fire, and I want to dive in. For eight episodes starting in February, I’m going to bring on a cohost and jump into a cool PSVR title we’ve been ignoring or that you need to know about.
  • Tonight at 5 p.m., we’re posting Kinda Funny’s Extra Life Documentary. This is a nearly HOURLONG premium documentary of what happened behind the scenes at Extra Life 2017. It’ll be available for everyone at the dollar level on both of our Patreons, up on YouTube in February for everyone else. On top of that, we’re hosting a live watchalong tonight. We’ll post a private stream link at 5 p.m. on the Patreon pages, and you can chat along with other Best Friends while you watch.

Now, all of that is awesome and applies to anyone wanting to check in on our YouTube pages, but we want to make our Patreon pages more valuable to you. As such, we’re doing the following…

  • We’re heard you. You want the pre and post-shows we do for the GameOverGreggy Show and the Kinda Funny Gamescast livestreams on demand. From here on out, the ad-free early access video episodes of those shows on Patreon will have them.
  • We’re adding an exclusive show to each Patreon page. On Kinda Funny, you’re getting Greg’s Comic Book Club. We loved doing Required Reading on the Kinda Funny Morning Show, but there were two problems: 1) Not everyone cared about it. 2) Schedules made it hard to get Tim and me on the Wednesday show. This is the solution. Every month, you’ll get a show all about the comics we’ve been reading, a Required Reading discussion, and a big ol’ section of you talking to us about comics. Over on Kinda Funny Games, you’re getting Ask the Kinda Funny Gamescast Anything. This is a show you get to drive. Sure, you can ask us questions, but you can also argue our comments from before, file reviews for games we’re ignoring, and so on. Both of these shows are monthly. Both of these shows have Patreon tiers to be part of them. Both of these shows will post for anyone supporting us at the dollar level. Both of these shows exclusive to the Patreon platform.
  • We found a lot of success in “fan mail” on Patreon, but we’re retitling it the Kinda Funny Exclusive of the Month to be more inclusive to the aprons/Christmas cards/so on that we’ve been doing. January’s is the Kinda Funny Valentine, so get on it!

Now, the big one: Kinda Funny Prom. We’ve done three Kinda Funny Lives, and we’ve gotten pretty good at them. This year, it’s time to challenge ourselves and party with you. June 30th here in SF, we’re inviting you to the Kinda Funny Prom. That’s right: prom. Tuxes. Prom dresses. Awkward dancing. Music. Punch. A PARTY! Tickets go on sale in March, the theme is ‘80s vs. ‘90s, and it’s going to be incredible. There will be the usual week of community events surrounding KFP, but man, you don’t want to miss this.

OK. Whew. That’s about it — wait, no, there’s a KINDA FUNNY HOODIE on OK. That’s it. So, what do you think? As usual, this is all for you. We want your feedback. We need it. In fact, give us a month — we’re going to host a Kinda Funny Community Town Hall on February 9th at 3 p.m. PT. That way, you can try all this stuff on and we can get in a flow with it. Then, we’ll chat about what’s working and what isn’t.


Guys and gals, I love you. Thank you so much for letting us live our dream and being there for us. Here’s to another three years!


Until next time, it’s been our pleasure to serve you.
